Chapter Volunteer Service Award

Exceptional dedication and service in a volunteer status in any area where volunteer service is authorized.

Eligibility: All Chapters

The award package will include the following items at the time of submission or it will not be graded:

  • AFSA Form 100, maximum submission is limited to the front side of the form
  • Use Times New Roman, 11-point font for all headings, narrative statements, and other content within this section
  • Bullets are no longer allowed
  • Do not start a narrative statement with a dash ("-")

The AFSA Form 100 will contain the following categories:

  • Volunteer Activities (60 pts max) limited to eleven narratives plus the heading
  • Impact of Volunteer Service (25 pts max) limited to six narratives plus the heading
  • Total Hours of Service (15 pts max)
  • Scoring for Chapters only
  • 0-1000 hrs = 5 pts; 1001-3000 hrs = 10 pts; 3001 and above = 15 pts