5-Day NDAA Campaign, Day 3, Commissary Funding

Jul 8, 2015 -- Posted by : admin

Today is day three of our 5-Day NDAA Campaign.

Today we tackle the full Commissary Funding. Please urge friends, family, co-workers, and AFSA members to go to the AFSA website and use the Voter's Voice Application to contact their members of Congress.

The Administration and the Senate are looking to slash commissary funding by a factor of $322 million next year, then another $1 billion on top of that. If approved, this plan would significantly reduce commissary savings, close many stores, and reduce the days the remaining stores operate, cost military family members thousands of jobs, and set the stage for further Administration attacks on such much-valued quality-of-life benefits. On top of that Base Exchange officials have indicated that the closure of the military commissaries would seriously harm the level of use at base exchanges and, therefore, their profits. The result would be to slash millions of dollars that currently cost the taxpayer nothing each year and are used to support morale, welfare, and recreation programs. One has to ask, "Why in the world would someone want to destroy a highly valued benefit program that has helped to sustain the All-Volunteer Force?" History has shown that anytime DoD or its controlling Administration attempts to touch a quality-of-life benefit, it is never for the improvement of the benefit, despite the justification narrative used; it is always about cutting spending on personnel programs. Help us stop this attempt to greatly defund the commissaries.

Please remember when sharing to let folks know that you do not need to be an AFSA member to take action. The more support the stronger our voice. Please help us help you and spread the word. We must continue to press for and encourage support of our efforts at levels and venues to make this happen. Please continue to push to your divisions, and chapters and continue encouraging others to take action on the first of five initiatives starting today.

Tomorrow we will tackle the issue of urging of the Retirement Protection; again this must be an all hands effort.

Questions please let us know.


Jim Crissinger, PhD, SMSgt (Ret), USAF, Int'l Legislative Chair

Take Action Now!
